Obidos Administration Guide
Chapter 1
There are two types of accounts in Obidos. One is administrative accounts and the other is user accounts.
An administrator account is used to manage Obidos. This includes managing administrative accounts,
managing user accounts, setting up preferences, managing license, managing audits, etc. An Adminis-
trator (herienafter referred to as admin) cannot store digital artifacts in Obidos. An admin cannot assume
the role of a user and a user cannot assume the role of an admin. All admin accounts are local accounts.
This means those accounts are maintained within Obidos. Local accounts will have their passwords set
according to the password policy in Obidos.
Obidos has a built-in admin account ’admin’. The password for this account is set at the time of
installation. Using this ’admin’ account additional admin accounts can be created. The built-in ’admin’
account inherits every capability that is possible for an administrative account. Such an account is
referred to as a root admin’. The ’admin’ account can be used to create other root admin accounts or
less capable admin accounts. If your institutional security policiy requires renaming the default ’admin’
account, that can be done at the time of installation. Admin account operations are described in the
sections to follow.
1.1 License and number of users
Obidos license is based on number of users. Only the count of active regular user accounts is considered
for license units. Admin accounts do not count towards license. So if there are 112 active regular user
accounts and 7 admin accounts, only the 112 user accounts are counted for license units. Once the active
number of regular users reach the license limit, no new users can be added by admins.
1.2 Create Administrators
To create an admin account, log into Obidos using the ’admin’ account (or another admin account).
From the ”Admin Accounts” top navigation menu, select ”Create New Admin”. The password assigned
to this admin account during the account creation process is a temporary password. The admin user will
have to change the password when logging into Obidos for the first time.
Figure 1.1: Create New Admin Account
1.3 List Administrators
Log into Obidos using an admin account. From the ”Admin Accounts” top navigation menu, select ”List
Figure 1.2: Admin Accounts Menu
1.4 Edit Administrator
If the Fullname, Primary email, Primary phone number, or password has to be changed, it can be done
by editing the profile. To get to the ”Edit” task, first the admins must be listed. This can be done by
selecting ”List Admins” from the ”Admin Accounts” top navigation menu. From the list of admins, click
on the ”Edit” button. This will open up an edit window.
1.5 Delete Administrator
Accounts can only be ’tombstoned’. They cannot be deleted. Only a root admin account can be used
to tombstone another administrator account. The built-in ’admin’ account cannot be deleted. Once an
admin account is tombstoned, the whole profile associated with that account will be frozen. To get to the
”Tombstone” task, first the admins must be listed. This can be done by selecting ”List Admins” from the
”Admin Accounts” top navigation menu. From the list of admins, select the admin(s) of interest click on
”Tombstone” button. A confirmation pop-up window will show up. Select ”Yes” to confirm or ”No” to
Chapter 2
An administrator (hereinafter referred to as admin) has to create/manage users in Obidos. A user cannot
assume the role of an admin. Similarly an admin cannot assume the role of a user. Users can store digital
artifacts in Obidos. Users must be explicitly granted permission by admin to manage Global Templates.
Users can be set up with single signon to corporate directory service (Active Directory or LDAP).
In such cases users can log into Obidos with their corporate username and password. These users must
have username registered in Obidos exactly as it appears in corporate Directory Service. Since such
accounts are meant to be single signon, the passwords are not set in Obidos; rather these accounts are
authenticated against the corporate Directory Service.
Users created with authentication done by Obidos are referred to as local accounts. All admin ac-
counts are local accounts. You can create local accounts for users. Passwords for local accounts will
follow the password policy in Obidos.
All types of active user accounts (local and maintained in corporate directory) are counted towards
license limit.
2.1 Create A User Account
To create a user account, select ”Create New User” item from the top ”User Accounts” menu.
Figure 2.1: Create New User
The admin has to fill in the details for the user.
Figure 2.2: New User Details
2.2 Bulk Importing Users
Large number of users can be imported to Obidos from command line as user obidosadmin. The user
attributes must be defined in a file in LDIF format. The following attributes are required in the LDIF file:
Attribute Maps to
cn Full name
mail Email address
sAMAccountName username
password For local Obidos users only
Before importing users, the following steps must be taken into account:
Make sure to dump the Obidos mariadb database in case something goes wrong.
Make sure to configure SMTP setting in Obidos. By default, the initial password will be included
in the notification email sent to the users.
Make sure to configure AD/LDAP settings in Obidos if the users will be imported from Active
Directory or LDAP.
2.2.1 Bulk Exporting and Importing Users from Active Directory
The following are the steps to import users from Active Directory using ldif.
1. Export users from AD using ldifde command on Windows.
2. Upload the ldif file to Obidos server using the ’obidosadmin’ account.
3. Run the import users command to create accounts in Obidos.
6 CHAPTER 2. USERS Export Users from Active Directory
Use the tool ldifde to export users. Example:
ldifde.exe -f adusers.ldif
A sample LDIF file is shown below.
dn: cn=Lloyd Kerluke
cn: Lloyd Kerluke
sAMAccountName: lloydk
dn: cn=Marvin Cummerata
cn: Marvin Cummerata
sAMAccountName: marvinc
dn: cn=Annita Senger DC
cn: Annita Senger DC
sAMAccountName: annitas Upload the ldif file adusers.ldif to Obidos server
Log in to the Obidos system using ssh (or the web console) as the user obidosadmin. The default
password is obidosadmin. The password must be changed at the very first login. It is a good idea to
save the password in Obidos. Once the password has been changed for the obidosadmin user, use any
sftp program (or web console) to upload the adusers.ldif file to the Obidos server. Import users from adusers.ldif
Be logged in to the Obidos server using ssh or web console as obidosadmin. To see the usage of the
import users program, run the following command:
$ import_users --help
usage: ImportUsers
--ldapConfigName <ldapConfigName> AD/LDAP Config name. Find it out
from Settings > List AD/DLAP
Settings. Requires for adding
AD/LDAP users.
--ldifFile <ldifFile> LDIF file. Required.
--noEmail Don’t send initial password in
notification email
--requiers2FA 2FA requires for password and
passphrase reset
--uidAttr <uidAttr> uid attribute. The default is
To import AD/LDAP users into Obidos, type:
$ import_users \
--ldapConfigName "AD Config Name" \
--ldifFile adusers.ldif
Note: ”AD Config Name” is the AD/LDAP configuration that you set up as administrator in Obidos. A
notification email will be sent to the user. The users imported this way can log into Obidos using their
username and AD password.
2.2.2 Creating multiple local Obidos users from ldif
If you just want to create multiple local Obidos users from an LDIF file:
1. Create an ldif file with password field.
2. Upload the file to Obidos server as the user obidosadmin.
3. Run the import users command. Create an LDIF file with the users.
Use your favorite text editor to create the LDIF file. A sample LDIF file ”localusers.ldif” with password
is shown below.
dn: cn=Lloyd Kerluke
cn: Lloyd Kerluke
password: test
sAMAccountName: lloydk
dn: cn=Marvin Cummerata
cn: Marvin Cummerata
password: test
sAMAccountName: marvinc
dn: cn=Annita Senger DC
cn: Annita Senger DC
password: test
sAMAccountName: annitas
If the LDIF file does not have the password attribute, a random password will be generated when the
account is created in Obidos and will be included in the notification email sent to the users. The users
will be prompted to change the password at the first login to Obidos.
8 CHAPTER 2. USERS Upload the ldif file to Obidos server.
Using the obidosadmin account, upload the file ”localusers.ldif” to the Obidos server. Import ldif users.
Run the command ’import users’ on the Obidos server after logging in (via ssh or web console) as the
user ’obidosadmin’.
$ import_users \
--ldifFile localusers.ldif
The user will be prompted to change the password at the first login to Obidos application.
2.3 List User Accounts
In order to get the list of users, select ”List Users” from top level ”User Accounts” menu.
Figure 2.3: List User Menu
The list of users will be displayed similar to the following figure.
Figure 2.4: List of Users
2.4 Reset User Password
This action is allowed only for local accounts. In the Edit User screen, there is option to reset password.
Figure 2.5: Reset Password
2.5 Lock a User Account
This can be done from the screen for editing a user. To do that, first select ”List Users” from top level
”User Accounts” menu. From the list of users, click ”Edit” button on the line corresponding to the user
in the list. When the edit menu shows up, there is a selection to Lock the user. See the following figure.
Figure 2.6: Lock User
2.6 Unlock a User Account
Unlocking a User Account can be done only from the screen for editing a user account. It is easy to
the edit screen from the list of locked users. The list of locked users can be obtained by selecting ”List
Locked Users” from top level ”User Accounts” menu. From the list of users, click ”Edit” button on the
line corresponding to the user in the list. When the edit menu shows up, there is a selection to Unlock
the user. See the following figure.
Figure 2.7: Unlock User
2.7 Tombstone a User Account
Accounts can only be tombstoned’. They cannot be deleted. To get to the ”Tombstone” task, first the
users must be listed. This can be done by selecting ”Manage Users” from the ”Users” top navigation
menu. From the list of users, select the users of interest and click on ”Tombstone” button. A confirmation
pop-up window will show up. Select ”Yes” to confirm or ”No” to cancel.
Chapter 3
Password Strength
The password strength is determined by calculating entropy of the password. An entropy is described in
terms of bits. The higher the bits in entropy the stronger the password will be. An entropy indicates how
hard it will be to crack the password by brute-force. In password strength calculation, the entropy is not
the same entropy as described in information theory. Rather the raw entropy is lowered by using various
password cracking techniques before accepting.
3.1 Entropy Calculation
This section describes the basics of entropy calculation. Please note that we do not calculate password
or passphrase entropy this way, rather we use various password cracking techniques to lower the raw
entropy and if the entropy is higher or equal to the configured entropy, only then the password is accepted.
If the password length is L and the password can be chosen from N number of characters, the possible
number of passwords will be N
. To calculate the raw entropy H in that character space, the H has to
be a number so that 2
= N
. Therefore, the entropy calculation formula can be derived as follows:
= N
) = log(N
) (3.2)
H × log(2) = L × log(N) (3.3)
H = L ×
log(N )
= L × log
(N) (3.5)
Given a password entropy H and the number to guess a password per second is (gps), the time in
seconds T
to brute force a password can be calculated with the following formula:
) = p log
(x) =
The following xkcd comic illustrates entropy calculation of password in a different way.
Figure 3.1: xkcd comic for password strength
Let’s calculate the entropy of Tr0ub4dor&3 with our formula H = L × log
(N). The password
has upper case, lower case, numbers and a special character in it. There are 26 upper case, 26 lower
case, 10 numbers and 32 special characters (including space) in English keyboard and the length L of
the password is 11.
N = 26 + 26 + 10 + 32 = 94
H = 11 ×
= 72.10047736845401109442 72
Assuming that the attacker knows the length of the password L and character space N, if gps = 1000, it
will take
150 billion years to crack the password. If gps = 350 billion, it will take 428 years
to crack the password. if gps = 1 trillion, it will take 150 years to crack the password. So if brute
force is used, it is really a good password, even with the most powerful computer, it will take a long time
to crack.
According to xkcd, the password is not strong, lets see how xkcd calculates the entropy. Each of the
tiny square box in the comic indicates a bit.
The 16 bits implies that the word Troubador is chosen from a dictionary with 65536 words
= 65536).
Make the first letter upper case, there is only 1 bit.
Two characters were substituted o 0, a 4 and o was not substituted, therefore 3bits of
The string &3 was appended at the end. The order is unknown, therefore 1 bit
There are 32 special characters (including space) in English keyboard, therefore the entropy should
be 1 ×
= 5. For some reason 4bit was selected.
Therefore, the entropy of Tr0ub4dor&3 is 16+1+3+1+4+3 = 28, which much is lower than 72
and makes it a bad password, because the attacker might follow the similar technique than brute-forcing
3.2 Entropy calculation in Obidos
The technique we used in Obidos, the entropy for the password Tr0ub4dor&3 comes down to 19.625.
we used similar techniques used the ruby gem strong password
1. Calculate entropy according to NIST Special Publication 800-63 Version 1.0.2 Appending A.2.1
The first character gets 4 bits