Installation Guide for Obidos Community Edition
Installation of Community Edition of Obidos
Obidos is a web application that runs on linux OS. It uses a Mariadb database on the backend. Obidos
application is run on Jetty servlet server. We package all these into a single bundle as an ova distribution.
The ova distribution can be installed in a corporate virtual environment like vmware or xen.
Main Steps
The main steps involved in the installation are as follows:
1. Download the ova file from
2. Import the ova file into your virtual environment
3. Configure the VM on your corporate network
4. Customize the Obidos web application for your institution
Step 1. Download ova
From, select ”Community Edition” item from the ”Products” tab.
Figure 1: Products Tab
You will find the link to download the ova file under DOWNLOAD section. Click on that link and a
pop-up window will show up to help you save the ova file to your local machine.
Figure 2: Download Link
Step 2. Import the ova file into your virtual environment
Using your virtual environment console, import the ova file into your virtual environment.
The video titled ”Importing Obidos Community OVA” provides a demo of the import process in Virtu-
Step 3. Configure the VM on your corporate network
Now that the ova is imported into your virtual framework, the virtual machine has to be configured to run
on your network. To make this process easy, the vm comes with a built-in account called ’obidos’ with
a password ’obidos’. Power on the imported VM. Once the VM is up and running, log into the vm using
username as ’obidos’ and password ’obidos’. When the log in process is complete, the system will bring
up a User Interface with EULA. Once you accept the EULA, a screen with various fields to be filled in
will show up. You will need the following information to complete this step:
1. Hostname and domain name for the server.
2. IP address, network mask and DNS servers.
3. A linux username (for a new account on the vm).
(This account can be used to do maintenance on the virtual machine.)
4. Temporary password for this account.
5. Login name for the Obidos applcation admin account
(The default name is ’admin’. However, some institutions would like to
change the default value.
6. Temporary password for the admin account
7. Email address of the admin account
Note that the passwords set in this process are temporary. They have to be changed when logging
into the corresponding component for the first time.
A video demonstrating this step is provided under the Videos tab. It is titled: ”Configuring Obidos
VM on your network”.
Step 4. Customize Obidos application for your institution
As mentioned in Step 3, the passwords set were temporary. In this step those passwords will be changed
to permanent ones by logging in. On completion of Step 3, the VM will be running on your network.
It will be running with the UTC time zone. This has to be changed to your local time zone.
The fresh instance of the backend database Mariadb will be running without a password for the root
account. So it has to be secured with a strong password.
The Obidos web application will be up and running. But it will be running with a self-signed SSL cer-
tificate generated during Step 3. You will have to install proper SSL certificate on the web server.
In order to set up the timezone for the OS and password for Mariadb root’ account, you have to log
into the virtual machine using a linux account. ssh’ client (like putty on windows) or command line
terminal from Mac/linux can be used to log into the virtual machine.
To set the permanent admin password, email gateway, Active Directory details, etc. for the Obidos
application, you need to connect over a web browser and log into Obidos.
Figure 3: Items to change
In a nutshell, you will need the following information handy to complete the configurations:
1. Access to a web browser on your network
2. ssh client
3. Servername or IP address of the Obidos server
4. Login name of the Obidos admin account set in Step 3 (default is ’admin’)
5. Temporary password for this admin account set in Step 3
6. Permanent password for the Obidos admin account
7. Details of email gateway for your institution
8. Active Directory (LDAP) details if you want to integrate user accounts
with corporate directory
9. Your Time Zone
10. Strong password for Mariadb root’ account
A video demonstrating this step titled ”Configuring Obidos Web Application” is available under the
Vidoes tab.
If you have any issues, feel free to discuss in the Community Forum, which can be accessed from the
’Support’ tab on
Figure 4: Community Support Forum