Obidos from Spenego

Securely Store and Share Your Digital Information

Community Edition
Community Edition of Obidos is a free version with unlimited user license and no expiration. It provides full fledged sharing capabilities at the Item level. Both standalone Notes and Items can be shared to individuals as well as groups. Personal and Global Templates are also supported. Obidos comes with a number of commonly used Global Templates. User accounts can be integrated with corporate Active Directory so that users can use their existing username and password for authentication. Also your current SMTP server can be used for relaying mail from Obidos.

Command line utilities are provided for management of the application. Container level sharing operations are not supported. Document attachment and 2FA QR-code attachment are not available.

No Technical Support is provided for Community Edition. However, issues can be discussed in the open community forum. It is not possible to upgrade Community Edition to Standard/Enterprise Edition. If you want to try Standard or Enterprise Edition contact us for a trial license.

Community Edition of Obidos is provided as an OVA file that can be installed on a virtualization platform. Download obidos.1.0.4.ova. Installation instructions are shown in the Videos.
( obidos.1.0.4.ova    Size: 5816648704   Sha256sum: ac1217fbdefd85ceee01b29ec34bfd790f6ffe015f5bd9af1d51a145818fb3ed )
Obidos Community Edition will be available through Amazon AWS and DigitalOcean Marketplaces soon.